Module “system”

class tc_python.system.MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder(multi_database_system_builder)

Bases: object

Used to select databases, elements, phases etc. and create a System object. The difference to the class SystemBuilder is that the operations are performed on all the previously selected databases. The system is then used to create calculations.

create_and_select_species(stoichiometry: str)

Specify a species from the already entered elements. The stoichiometry of the species is the chemical formula of the species. The created species will also be automatically selected.


The elements in the chemical formula are normally separated by stoichiometric numbers. Neither parenthesis “()” nor an underscore “_” is allowed in the chemical formula, while the special combination “/-” or “/+” can be used. Consult the Thermo-Calc database documentation for details about the syntax.


stoichiometry – The stoichiometry of the species


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object

deselect_constituent_on_sublattice(phase_name: str, sublattice_no: int, constituent_name_to_deselect: str)

Rejects a constituent on a sublattice in a phase in both the thermodynamic and the kinetic database.

  • phase_name – The name of the phase

  • sublattice_no – The number of the sublattice (starting with 1)

  • constituent_name_to_deselect – The name of the constituent to deselect


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object

deselect_phase(phase_name_to_deselect: str)

Rejects a phase for both the thermodynamic and the kinetic database.


phase_name_to_deselect – The phase name


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object

deselect_species(species_name: str)

Removes the species from the system.


species_name – The species


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object

get_system() System

Creates a new System object that is the basis for all calculation types. Several calculation types can be defined later from the object; these are independent.


A new System object

select_constituent_on_sublattice(phase_name: str, sublattice_no: int, constituent_name_to_select: str)

Selects a constituent on a sublattice in a phase in both the thermodynamic and the kinetic database.


Previously the third parameter constituent_name_to_select had a wrong name, it has been corrected in version 2021b.

  • phase_name – The name of the phase

  • sublattice_no – The number of the sublattice (starting with 1)

  • constituent_name_to_select – The name of the constituent to select


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object

select_phase(phase_name_to_select: str)

Selects a phase for both the thermodynamic and the kinetic database.


phase_name_to_select – The phase name


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object

select_species(species_name: str)

Adds the species to the system. Up to 1000 species can be defined in a single system.


species_name – The species


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object

with_new_composition_set(composition_set: CompositionSet)

Used to enter two or more composition sets for a phase. If a phase has a miscibility gap it is necessary to have two composition sets, one for each possible composition that can be stable simultaneously.

The databases often create the typical composition sets for phases automatically when data are retrieved. The equilibrium calculations (using the default settings with global minimization) will usually add new composition sets if needed.


Precipitation and diffusion calculations can require the user to define additional composition sets. E.g. in the case where the new composition set is needed in the configuration of the calculation.


composition_set – the composition set


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object


Rejects all the default phases from both the thermodynamic and the kinetic database, any phase now needs to be selected manually for the databases.


This MultiDatabaseSystemBuilder object

class tc_python.system.System(system_instance)

Bases: object

A system containing selections for databases, elements, phases etc.


For the defined system, different calculations can be configured and run. Instances of this class should always be created from a SystemBuilder.


The system object is immutable, i.e. it cannot be changed after is has been created. If you want to change the system, you must instead create a new one.

convert_composition(input_composition: Dict[str, float], input_unit: ConversionUnit, output_unit: ConversionUnit, dependent_component: str = '') Dict[str, float]

Provides conversion between composition units for any combination of chemical compounds. It is fast because no thermodynamic equilibrium calculation is involved.

Syntax of the chemical compounds: “Al2O3”, “FeO”, “CO”, “Fe”, “C”, …


It is not required that the chemical compounds are components of the database. The only requirement is that all elements are present in the database.

  • input_composition – Composition (for example: {“Al2O3”: 25.0, “FeO”: 75.0})

  • input_unit – Unit of the input composition

  • output_unit – Requested output unit

  • dependent_component – The dependent component (optional), for example: “Fe”. If no dependent component is specified the sum of the input composition needs to match 100% / 1


The composition in the requested output unit

get_all_elements_in_databases() List[str]

Returns the names of all elements present in the selected databases, regardless of the actual selection of elements.


A list of element names

get_all_phases_in_databases() List[str]

Returns all phase names present in the selected databases, regardless of selected elements, phases etc.


A list of phase names

get_all_species_in_databases() List[str]

Returns all species names present in the selected databases, regardless of the actual selection of elements, phases, ….


A list of species names

get_database_names() List[str]

Returns the names of the selected thermodynamic and mobility databases.


A list of database names

get_element_object(element_name: str) Element

Returns the Element object of an element. This can be used to obtain detailed information about the element.


element_name – The element name


A Element: object

get_elements_in_system() List[str]

Returns the names of all elements present in the selected system.


The list does not contain any elements or components that have been auto-selected by the database(s) in a calculator. Use the get_components() of the calculator object instead to get the complete information.


A list of element names

get_phase_object(phase_name: str) Phase

Returns the Phase object of a phase. This can be used to obtain detailed information about the phase.


phase_name – The phase name


A Phase: object

get_phases_in_system() List[str]

Returns all phase names present in the system due to its configuration (selected elements, phases, etc.).


A list of phase names

get_references() Dict[str, List[str]]

Provides a dictionary with database references per database in the selected system.


The database references

get_species_in_system() List[str]

Returns the names of all species present in the selected system.


The list does not contain any species or components that have been auto-selected by the database(s) in a calculator. Use the get_components() of the calculator object instead to get the complete information.


The list of species names

get_species_object(species_name: str) Species

Returns the Species object of an species. This can be used to obtain detailed information about the species.


species_name – The species name


A Species: object

get_system_data() SystemData

Returns the content of the database. This can be used to modify the parameters and functions and to change the current system by using with_system_modifications().


Parameters can only be read from unencrypted (i.e. user) databases loaded as *.tdb-file.


The system data

with_batch_equilibrium_calculation(default_conditions: bool = True, components: List[str] = []) BatchEquilibriumCalculation

Creates a batch-equilibrium calculation (a vectorized equilibrium calculation).


Use this instead of looping if you want to calculate equilibria for a larger number of compositions and know the conditions in advance. This calculation type has improved performance when calculating a large number of equilibria when each individual calculations is quick. E.g. when evaluating single phase properties for thousands of compositions.

  • default_conditions – If True, automatically sets the conditions N=1 and P=100000

  • components – Specify here the components of the system (for example: [AL2O3, …]), only necessary if they differ from the elements. If this option is used, all elements of the system need to be replaced by a component.


A new BatchEquilibriumCalculation object

with_cct_precipitation_calculation() PrecipitationCCTCalculation

Creates a CCT diagram calculation.


A new PrecipitationCCTCalculation object

with_isothermal_diffusion_calculation() DiffusionIsoThermalCalculation

Creates an isothermal diffusion calculation.


A new DiffusionIsoThermalCalculation object

with_isothermal_precipitation_calculation() PrecipitationIsoThermalCalculation

Creates an isothermal precipitation calculation.


A new PrecipitationIsoThermalCalculation object

with_material_to_material() MaterialToMaterialCalculationContainer

Provides access to all Material to Material calculations. The actual calculation needs to be chosen in the returned object.


A new MaterialToMaterialCalculationContainer object

with_non_isothermal_diffusion_calculation() DiffusionNonIsoThermalCalculation

Creates a non-isothermal precipitation calculation.


A new PrecipitationNonIsoThermalCalculation object

with_non_isothermal_precipitation_calculation() PrecipitationNonIsoThermalCalculation

Creates a non-isothermal precipitation calculation.


A new PrecipitationNonIsoThermalCalculation object

with_phase_diagram_calculation(default_conditions: bool = True, components: List[str] = []) PhaseDiagramCalculation

Creates a phase diagram (map) calculation.

  • default_conditions – If True, automatically sets the conditions N=1 and P=100000

  • components – Specify here the components of the system (for example: [AL2O3, …]), only necessary if they differ from the elements. If this option is used, all elements of the system need to be replaced by a component.


A new PhaseDiagramCalculation object

with_property_diagram_calculation(default_conditions: bool = True, components: List[str] = []) PropertyDiagramCalculation

Creates a property diagram (step) calculation.

  • default_conditions – If True, automatically sets the conditions N=1 and P=100000

  • components – Specify here the components of the system (for example: [AL2O3, …]), only necessary if they differ from the elements. If this option is used, all elements of the system need to be replaced by a component.


A new PropertyDiagramCalculation object

with_property_model_calculation(model: str, path_to_models: str = '', debug_model: bool = False) PropertyModelCalculation

Creates a Property Model calculation.

The parameter debug_model is only used when debugging self-developed models.

  • model – The Property Model to be calculated.

  • path_to_models – The path where the Property Models are installed. If no value is entered, the Property Models folder used by the normal Thermo-Calc application is used.

  • debug_model – Used when debugging self-developed models.


A new PropertyModelCalculation object

with_scheil_calculation() ScheilCalculation

Creates a Scheil solidification calculation.


A new ScheilCalculation object

with_single_equilibrium_calculation(default_conditions: bool = True, components: List[str] = []) SingleEquilibriumCalculation

Creates a single equilibrium calculation.

  • default_conditions – If True, automatically sets the conditions N=1 and P=100000

  • components – Specify here the components of the system (for example: [AL2O3, …]), only necessary if they differ from the elements. If this option is used, all elements of the system need to be replaced by a component.


A new SingleEquilibriumCalculation object

with_ttt_precipitation_calculation() PrecipitationTTTCalculation

Creates a TTT diagram calculation.


A new PrecipitationTTTCalculation object

class tc_python.system.SystemBuilder(system_builder)

Bases: object

Used to select databases, elements, phases etc. and create a System object. The system is then used to create calculations.

create_and_select_species(stoichiometry: str)

Specify a species from the already entered elements. The stoichiometry of the species is the chemical formula of the species. The created species will also be automatically selected.


The elements in the chemical formula are normally separated by stoichiometric numbers. Neither parenthesis “()” nor an underscore “_” is allowed in the chemical formula, while the special combination “/-” or “/+” can be used. Consult the Thermo-Calc database documentation for details about the syntax.


stoichiometry – The stoichiometry of the species


This SystemBuilder object

deselect_constituent_on_sublattice(phase_name: str, sublattice_no: int, constituent_name_to_deselect: str)

Rejects a constituent on a sublattice in a phase in the last specified database only.

  • phase_name – The name of the phase

  • sublattice_no – The number of the sublattice (starting with 1)

  • constituent_name_to_deselect – The name of the constituent to deselect


This SystemBuilder object

deselect_phase(phase_name_to_deselect: str)

Rejects a phase in the last specified database only.


phase_name_to_deselect – The name of the phase


This SystemBuilder object

deselect_species(stoichiometry: str)

Removes the species from the system.


stoichiometry – The species


This SystemBuilder object

get_system() System

Creates a new System object that is the basis for all calculation types. Several calculation types can be defined later from the object; these are independent.


A new System object

select_constituent_on_sublattice(phase_name: str, sublattice_no: int, constituent_name_to_select: str)

Selects a constituent on a sublattice in a phase in the last specified database only.


Previously the third parameter constituent_name_to_select had a wrong name, it has been corrected in version 2021b.

  • phase_name – The name of the phase

  • sublattice_no – The number of the sublattice (starting with 1)

  • constituent_name_to_select – The name of the constituent to select


This SystemBuilder object

select_database_and_elements(database_name: str, list_of_element_strings: List[str])

Selects a thermodynamic or kinetic database and its selected elements (that will be appended). After that, phases can be selected or unselected.

  • database_name – The database name, for example “FEDEMO”

  • list_of_element_strings – A list of one or more elements as strings, for example [“Fe”, “C”]


This SystemBuilder object

select_phase(phase_name_to_select: str)

Selects a phase in the last specified database only.


phase_name_to_select – The name of the phase


This SystemBuilder object

select_species(stoichiometry: str)

Adds the species to the system. Up to 1000 species can be defined in a single system.


stoichiometry – The species


This SystemBuilder object

select_user_database_and_elements(path_to_user_database: str, list_of_element_strings: List[str])

Selects a thermodynamic database which is a user-defined database and select its elements (that will be appended).


By using a r-literal, it is possible to use slashes on all platforms, also on Windows: select_user_database_and_elements(r”my path/user_db.tdb”, [“Fe”, “Cr”]])

Otherwise it is required to use double back-slashes on Windows as separator.


On Linux and Mac the path is case-sensitive, also the file ending.

  • path_to_user_database – The path to the database file (“database”.TDB), defaults to the current working directory. Only the filename is required if the database is located in the same folder as the script.

  • list_of_element_strings – A list of one or more elements as strings, for example [“Fe”, “C”]


This SystemBuilder object

with_new_composition_set(composition_set: CompositionSet)

Used to enter composition sets for a phase. If a phase has a miscibility gap it is necessary to have two composition sets, one for each possible composition that can be stable simultaneously.


composition_set – The composition set


This SystemBuilder object


Rejects all default phases in the last specified database only, any phase needs now to be selected manually for that database.


This SystemBuilder object